Advancement and Recognition

Cub Scouting encourages goal-oriented achievement, recognizes Scouts for their hard work, and strengthens families through shared activities.  As described in the Parent Guide, Cub Scouting's Core Values form the backbone of our program, weaving lifetime values into fun and educational activities.  As Scouts complete requirements, they are recognized with badges and awards.  


Bobcat ​Badge

When getting started, all new Scouts must first earn their Bobcat Badge by completing the Bobcat Trail (requirements) described in the Cub Scout handbook.  This includes learning the Cub Scout Promise, Law of the Pack, and Cub Scout Motto.  Take the time to help your son learn them, so he will feel like a true member of the Pack:


"I .....(name).... promise to do my best
To do my duty to God and my country,
To help other people, and
To obey the Law of the Pack. "


"The Cub Scout follows Akela.
The Cub Scout helps the pack go.
The pack helps the Cub Scout Grow.
The Cub Scout gives goodwill."

CUB SCOUT MOTTO:  “Do your best!”

After earning the Bobcat Badge, Scouts then work towards earning their Badge of Rank (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos).  Please see the individual Den pages for further details.  In addition to the badge of rank, there are optional opportunities for further achievement and recognition.

Optional Awards

Whittling Chip.  Eligible: Bears and Webelos only.

Demonstrate pocket knife safety.  Worn as a temporary patch on the right pocket. 

World Conservation Award.  Eligible: Wolf, Bear, Webelos.  Tiger not eligible. 

Teaches Scouts to protect and improve our environment both locally and globally.  Develops awareness that all nations are interrelated by natural resources.  Worn as a temporary patch on the right pocket. 

Leave No Trace Awareness Award.  Eligible: Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos.

Helps Scouts to be more concerned about their environment and to learn to protect it for future generations.  Worn as a temporary patch on the right pocket. 

Outdoor Activity Award.  Eligible: Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos.

Encourages outdoor activity.  May be earned in each of the program years if requirements completed each year.  ​ Receive the pocket flap award for first time earned, to be worn on the right pocket flap.  Wolf track pin added to flap for each successive time earned.  Boys should build on skills and experiences from previous years.

Academics and Sports Program.  Eligible: Tiger, Bear, Wolf, Webelos, but some are restricted by rank.

There are over 50 subjects covered in the the Academics and Sports Program, any of which you may participate in 1) by yourself or with your family, (2) in your den or pack, or (3) in school.  Earn a Belt Loop to wear with your uniform when you complete three specific requirements for each Academics or Sports activity. 

If you want to do more after earning the Belt Loop, you may complete extra requirements to earn a Pin.  Pins may be framed, displayed on a sweater or a jacket, or on the Academic and Sports Letter, but the Letter does not go on the Cub Scout uniform.  
